Ice Flavors for $4.45 - Gallon
As with everything, prices vary from place to place. This is true with shaved ice concentrates and syrups. Currently (when this article was written) we sell our concentrates for $15.99 a quart or $39.99 a gallon. We admit we aren't the cheapest, but we are not the most expensive.
If you do your research, you can find concentrates that range from a watered-down $7.00 a gallon or a whopping $192.00 a gallon! In my opinion, $192.00 per gallon of concentrate is a complete rip off! It would take $6.00 worth of concentrate just to flavor a single gallon of simple syrup. After a few calculations, I have totaled how much it would cost to flavor the same gallon of simple syrup with our flavored concentrate at $39.99 a gallon.
- 5 lbs of Sugar = $3.10
- Concentrate (4 ounces) = $1.25 - based on $39.99 a gallon of concentrate
- Preservatives = $0.10 - based on gallons of preservatives
- TOTAL = $4.45/gallon OR $1.11/quart OR 3 cents/ounce