Setting the Right Price
The prices of your shaved ice or snow cones will vary depending on your location. If you've read any of our previous articles, you've heard how much location effects your business. If you have competition in your area, we suggest keeping your prices close to your competition. If you are the only shaved ice business around, you can likely charge slightly more.
When we were operation stands, our prices sat in the 'above average' category. We had the only shaved ice business in town and had a reputation of serving a quality product.
Festivals, carnivals, high traffic areas and tourist areas always tend to fit in the higher priced category. A 16-ounce cup of shaved ice can easily sell for $5.00 each in high traffic areas. Now that is a great profit!
Below is a breakdown of suggested retail prices for your business. These prices were estimated at the time this article was written. Prices my vary.