Think About Your Rent
The actual location of your business is important. High traffic areas with convenient access are very profitable...sometimes. I says that because a suitable location can often cost a lot to rent.
Rent prices can range from $50 to $1500 a month. The price you pay will all depend on the arrangement that you make with the property owner along with your vending setup. Typically, the better locations include higher rent. As always, shop around to get your best price.
When we operated shaved ice stands, our busiest location set us back $200 a month from May to October. Our landlord did not ask for rent during the winter months when we were closed. In reality, we would have paid $300 a month all year round if needed. We had a great business and it was located in the middle of town. Nearby there were nine baseball fields, a community college, neighborhoods, shopping centers, and restaurants. The daily traffic count on the highway in front of the business was about 28,000 vehicles in a 24 hour period. At this particular location, we had no problem averaging between $300 to $500 in sales per day.
Whatever you work out with your landlord, be certain to have a contract or agreement in writing. If possible, agree to a fixed number of years for your lease. Too many times, a snow cone or shaved ice businesses has been forced out of business and lost thousands of dollars in revenue after one season at their location. Try to get at least a one year lease with the option to renew for one to two years. This option will give you the opportunity to get a feel for the location before committing to a long term lease.