Information on Toppings for Shaved Ice
SWEEEEET! One more way to easily make money. Consider offering toppings as an add-on to your regular shaved ice flavors. You can easily get an additional 25 to 50 cents for each cup with the addition of various topping or ingredients. Get to know your locals to see what might be popular in your area. Believe it or not, dill pickle juice and cayenne pepper are extremely popular toppings in some parts of Texas. I've highlighted the most popular shaved ice topping below, followed by some of our other favorites.
Sweet Cream (condensed milk)
Condensed Milk (Sweet Cream) is by far the most popular topping our customers sell. After you make a cup of shaved ice, simply pour an ounce or two over the top - be careful because it can get very messy. You can even offer a double-dose of sweet cream by layering the cream into the middle and then again on top. To make your supply last, some stands dilute the sweet cream with evaporated milk. The ratio is usually 2 cans of evaporated milk to one can of condensed milk. You can adjust the ratio as you see needed. Adding this topping to a sweet flavor gives the shaved ice a creamy taste similar to homemade ice cream. Be careful, Acidic flavors may curdle when combined with the cream. We suggest sweet flavors such as Vanilla (most popular cream flavor), Banana, Peach, Strawberry, Pina Colada, Coconut, Chocolate, Strawberry Cheesecake, and Egg Custard.
Other toppings you may consider offering:
- Sour Spray
- Marshmallow Cream
- Whipped Topping
- Whole Cherry Topping
- Strawberry Topping
- Crushed Cherries
- Pineapple Topping
- Chocolate Syrup
- Chocolate Fudge
- Butterscotch
- Caramel Topping
- Chopped Nuts