Permanent Shaved Ice Structures
Shaved ice businesses located in permanent spots are also popular vending setups. Make sure you choose your location wisely. High traffic areas such as downtown shopping centers or near restaurants are great places to start looking. Sweeteries (Sweet Eateries) have become trending social locations and people enjoy a delicious treat while shopping or after a meal.
A permanent structure may be a good choice for you if you're interested in renting your space as opposed to purchasing a building, mobile unit or portable unit. Keeping costs down at the beginning of your business may be a smart move. You may even consider a mall kiosk or a food court. Always do the math and consider all possibilities before signing a lease.
Finding a prime location may demand a premium price, so shop around for your best price. This goes for rented property and purchased property. You want to be in a clean and professional-looking area to provoke curiosity from passing motorists and/or foot traffic.