Information on Shaved Ice Mobile Concessions & Trailers
Do you love meeting new people, moving around and serving customers tasty treats? If yes, perhaps a mobile concession trailer or vehicle would be perfect for you.
Mobile concession trailers or trucks make great shaved ice stands. Mobile units can range from 6' x 10 to 6' x 14'. This type of unit is a nice option because of the endless opportunities available by selling on-the-go. If your stand is mobile, you can easily move from place to place, taking advantage of high traffic areas, carnivals, festivals and events.
Having a business on wheels allows you to avoid setup and breakdowns between events. Simply put your unit in drive and go from event to event. Consider obtaining a list of festivals and events from your local Chamber of Commerce, city hall, or county to find out about various upcoming opportunities for your business. Contract work may also be an option for you traveling to family events, car lot promotions and large birthday parties - all while keeping your equipment in one place.
Always be sure to check your local zoning and health codes before parking to operate from your unit. You may want to find out what other mobile concession stands in your area are doing to see where to obtain any permits you might need (this may vary from city to city).